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The e-commerce.

new installation-almost, but not quite


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I am fairly new to php and mysql, but do have programming knowledge mainly with asp. So far, I love learning about php and mysql. I have a client who wants an ecommerce site, so what better way to learn. Anyways, I have read through the install instructions, and made it through all the steps. (I wish I could insert a screenshot here). The page says: "The configuration was successful" with a Catalog and Adminstration Tool button as my next course of action... BUT above all that is this:


Warning: fopen(I:/Liveweb/php_dev/oscommerce-2.2ms2/catalog/includes/configure.php) [function.fopen]: failed to create stream: Permission denied in I:\Liveweb\php_dev\oscommerce-2.2ms2\catalog\install\templates\pages\install_7.php on line 209


Warning: fputs(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in I:\Liveweb\php_dev\oscommerce-2.2ms2\catalog\install\templates\pages\install_7.php on line 210


Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in I:\Liveweb\php_dev\oscommerce-2.2ms2\catalog\install\templates\pages\install_7.php on line 211


Warning: fopen(I:/Liveweb/php_dev/oscommerce-2.2ms2/catalog/admin/includes/configure.php) [function.fopen]: failed to create stream: Permission denied in I:\Liveweb\php_dev\oscommerce-2.2ms2\catalog\install\templates\pages\install_7.php on line 259


Warning: fputs(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in I:\Liveweb\php_dev\oscommerce-2.2ms2\catalog\install\templates\pages\install_7.php on line 260


Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in I:\Liveweb\php_dev\oscommerce-2.2ms2\catalog\install\templates\pages\install_7.php on line 261


What did I miss??? or didn't do??? Anyone, please help?


Thanks in advance!

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Set permissions on both configure.php files to chmod 777 - change them back to 644 after installation is complete. :D



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Looks like your running on MS Windows.

Look at your php_dev guide does not look like it can access



Hope you are executing the file through a web browser like this



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Looks like your running on MS Windows.

Right you are :P


Right click->properties->uncheck 'read only' on your configuration.php files, or make sure that you have administrator priviledges.


install_7.php is being read ok.



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Hi all of you and thanks for your suggestions and help. Yes, I am on a vertical learning curve, but it's fun and exciting!!!! And yes, it takes a bit of work to run php and mysql on a windows based platform, but it is possible and I finally made it work thanks to all your help. (and yes I was executing through a web browser using this format: http//localhost/some-directory/catalog/install/index.php)


Hopefully, in the near future, I will have time to migrate to a linux based system, but for now, this will have to do. So, just to let all others know, who are using windows... it is possible! :P

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