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How to align store to the left?


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I want to align my store to one side. Like the left side. Just asking how to do it. I do not want my store to cover the whole screen. I want to align it to the left. Any suggestions. I am having a hard time finding a previous thread on this subjuct, although I am almost sure that one exists.



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PS. The reason why I mentioned the right is basically for searching purposes. I figure if someone comes to this forum and for some reason wants to align their store to the right instead of the left and does a search using the word "right" instead of "left". they would have a better chance of finding this thread ad (if it gets a response with a solution) it would be helpful to them. I find that alot of the threads started on this forum contain bad titles that do not explain what the subject of the thread is. That makes it harder to search the forum and very easy to 1) miss a helpful thread and 2) get easily frustrated (which I have seen happen to many newbies that come to the forum).


So in short, I try to include as many keywords in my subject titles as posible in order to make it easy for other forum members to find what they are looking for. If everyone did this instead of creating subject lines like "Help - Having problems" it would make the forum more useful. Not that it already isn't and I am not exactly complaining. I am just answering your question, albeit in a longwinded manner :D .

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you will first have to make your store smaller than the screenwidth.

why you would like to waist a large part of the expensive screen i bought lately escapes my comprehension but ...

only after the exercise described in the first line, you can align by means of an additional <table> or <div>around your shop or you could make use of css.

"If you're working on something new, then you are necessarily an amateur."

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Thanks for your replies. However, I believe there is an easier way to do this than installing one of the above contribs (which I do not really like). I am quite sure I have seen a thread that states how to do this before, but I just can't find it anymore.


I will keep searching and if anyone knows of the thread or if anyone has a definitive answer (without having to install STS or BTS), please let me know.


Again, thanks.

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I found a great solution. I just installed the Center Shop contrib found here...




then in the header.php file under catalog/includes changed the following line of code found at around line 88


<table CELLSPACING="<?php echo CENTER_SHOP_CELLSPACING; ?>" CELLPADDING="<?php echo CENTER_SHOP_CELLPADDING; ?>" BORDER="<?php echo CENTER_SHOP_BORDER; ?>" width="<?php echo CENTER_SHOP_WIDTH; ?>" align="center" BGCOLOR="<?php echo CENTER_SHOP_BACKGROUND_COLOR; ?>">
     <tr><td BGColor="FFFFFF">




     <tr><td BGColor="FFFFFF">


Hope this helps someone else.

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