dszcz Posted March 14, 2004 Posted March 14, 2004 I have installed and configured cpCommerce. Everything seems to work and load until I try to create a category. I can vreate an announcement successfully, but not a category nor a manufacturer. I am a newbie and any suggestions would be appreciated
tictric Posted March 14, 2004 Posted March 14, 2004 You need to explain what you did if you want anybody to help. You could've done anything wrong.
dszcz Posted March 14, 2004 Author Posted March 14, 2004 Here goes... I downloaded the cpCommerce, unzipped and did te edits to the _config.php file. set it to demo mode inline 107, (also tried setting to live) ftp'd the cpCommerce folder to the domain/public_html folder. changed access as listed in the _config.php file executed the _install.php, set up the administrator account (completed successfully) executed the admin/updates.php executed the admin/announcements.php and successfully created an announcement executed the admin/category.php unsuccessfuly My _config.php <?php ############################################## ## cpCommerce by Matthew Wilkin ## ## ? Copyright 2002. All Rights Reserved. ## ############################################## // Are you performing an Upgrade that requires Purchases to be blocked? (1 = Yes, 0 = No) $config['upgrading'] = 0; // Displays a message stating the Site is undergoing Upgrades // Page Display Variables $config['title'] = "cpCommerce by Matthew Wilkin"; $config['keywords'] = "ecommerce, oscommerce, shopping, online, purhcase, items, categories, " . "manufacturers, thumbnails, full images, templates, modules, paypal, " . "2checout, admin, cpCommerce, yourdomainname, Matthew Wilkin, store, sell, "; $config['description'] = "This E-commerce Script combines many utilities that many other " . "\'free\' e-commerce scripts provide, except I allow you to completely " . "customize the entire layout by editing 5 files. This is due to the " . "script being built using modules (code segments being placed in " . "particular areas after the layout has been built) and templates (a " . "file in which designate what shows where). Each of these four files " . "will be discussed later on in the \'Installation Section\' in more " . "detail. This application/script requires the use of PHP 4.2.X or " . "higher with MySQL 3.2.X or higher and sufficient database and server " . "space for the storage of data and required files."; // Use SSL for all checkouts? (1 = Yes, 2 = No) $config['enablessl'] = 2; // currently puts whole site into SSL mode and not just the checkout // Your site address (no ending slash, no directories) $config['siteaddress'] = "http://www.panasolutions.com"; $config['ssldomain'] = "https://www.panasolutions.com"; // Site Name $config['sitename'] = "Panacea Solutions On-Line Store"; // Language Pack by Matthew Wilkin (leave this value as is, and make sure you have english.php uploaded) $config['up2date_language'] = "language/english.php"; // Language Pack (no begining slash, this is your store's default language) $config['language'] = "language/english.php"; // Main Directory (with begining slash and ending slashes) $config['maindir'] = "/cpCommerce/"; $config['sslmaindir'] = "/cpCommerce/"; // Folder Locations (no begining slash) $config['admin_maindir'] = "admin/"; $config['admin_manual'] = "manual/"; // needs to be chmoded to 0777 $config['admin_module'] = "modules/"; $config['admin_template'] = "template/"; $config['admin_report'] = "reports/"; // needs to be chmoded to 0777 $config['images'] = "images/"; $config['module'] = "modules/"; $config['payment'] = "payment/"; $config['template'] = "template/"; $config['emails'] = "payment/emails/"; $config['category'] = "images/categories/"; // needs to be chmoded to 0777 $config['manufacturer'] = "images/manufacturers/"; // needs to be chmoded to 0777 $config['productsthumbnail'] = "images/products/thumbnails/"; // needs to be chmoded to 0777 $config['productsfullimage'] = "images/products/fullimages/"; // needs to be chmoded to 0777 $config['productsdownloads'] = "images/products/downloads/"; // needs to be chmoded to 0777 // ImageMagick (auto-thumbnailer) $config['im_enable'] = 0; // 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled $config['im_thumbfield'] = 0; // Show Thumbnail Image Field? 1 = Yes, 0 = No $config['im_exec'] = "convert"; // absolute location of ImageMagick // Linux/Unix default = "convert" // Windows default = "c:\imagemagick\convert.exe" $config['im_height'] = 100; // Thumbnail Height (in pixils) $config['im_width'] = 100; // Thumbnail Width (in pixils) $config['im_quality'] = 75; // Image Quality/Resolution (default = 75) // GD (auto-thumbnailer) $config['gd_enable'] = 0; // 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled $config['gd_thumbfield'] = 0; // Show Thumbnail Image Field? 1 = Yes, 0 = No $config['gd_height'] = 100; // Thumbnail Height (in pixils) $config['gd_width'] = 100; // Thumbnail Width (in pixils) // State and Abbreviation Values (seperate with commas) $config['acc_states'] = "Alabama,Alaska,Arizona,Arkansas,California,Colorado,Connecticut," . "Delaware,Florida,Georgia,Hawaii,Idaho,Illinois,Indiana,Iowa,Kansas," . "Kentucky,Louisiana,Maine,Maryland,Massachusetts,Michigan,Minnesota," . "Mississippi,Missouri,Montana,Nebraska,Nevada,New Hampshire,New Jersey," . "New Mexico,New York,North Carolina,North Dakota,Ohio,Oklahoma,Oregon," . "Pennsylvania,Rhode Island,South Carolina,South Dakota,Tennessee,Texas," . "Utah,Vermont,Virginia,Washington,West Virginia,Wisconsin,Wyoming,Not in USA"; $config['acc_abbrev'] = "AL,AK,AZ,AR,CA,CO,CT,DE,FL,GA,HI,ID,IL,IN,IA,KS,KY,LA,ME,MD,MA,MI,MN," . "MS,MO,MT,NE,NV,NH,NJ,NM,NY,NC,ND,OH,OK,OR,PA,RI,SC,SD,TN,TX,UT,VT,VA," . "WA,WV,WI,WY,Not in USA"; // Address Layout (name = {name}, address = {address}, city = {city}, state = {state}, // postal code = {postalcode}, and country = {country}) $config['acc_address'] = "{Panacea Solutions, LLC} <br>\n" . "{114 Stonehedge Drive} <br>\n" . "{Carlisle}, {PA} {17013-9116} <br>\n" . "{USA}"; // Show # items in each row $config['showCategories'] = 3; $config['showManufacturers'] = 3; $config['showProducts'] = 3; // Administrator Information $config['emailaddress'] = "[email protected]"; // Payment Method $config['buyeridentity'] = 2; // 1 = anyone can purchase, 2 = members only $config['postmode'] = 1; // 1 = live, 2 = demo // Default Currency Symbol $config['currency'] = "$"; $config['currency_code'] = "USD"; // "USD", "EUR", "GBP", "CAD", and "JPY" $config['currency_th_sep'] = ","; // Thousands Seperator: 1,000 $config['currency_dec_pt'] = "."; // Decimal Point: 1.00 $config['currency_template'] = "{symbol}{amount}"; // Shows as $1.00 // Stop Having to Login Twice (If you have to login twice for any reason, make this value 1, else leave it 0) $config['double_login'] = 0; // Database Information $config['host'] = ""; $config['user'] = "XXXXXXXXXX"; $config['pass'] = "XXXXXXXXXX"; $config['database'] = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"; $config['prefix'] = "cp"; ?>
ptrau Posted March 15, 2004 Posted March 15, 2004 What is cpCommerce? ############################################## ## cpCommerce by Matthew Wilkin ## ## ? Copyright 2002. All Rights Reserved. ## ############################################## This an osCommerce support board! "Aliiiiive, it's alive, it's ALIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE!!!"
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