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The e-commerce.

Can't create category or manufacturer


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I have installed and configured cpCommerce. Everything seems to work and load until I try to create a category. I can vreate an announcement successfully, but not a category nor a manufacturer. I am a newbie and any suggestions would be appreciated


Here goes...


I downloaded the cpCommerce, unzipped and did te edits to the _config.php file. set it to demo mode inline 107, (also tried setting to live)


ftp'd the cpCommerce folder to the domain/public_html folder.


changed access as listed in the _config.php file


executed the _install.php, set up the administrator account (completed successfully)


executed the admin/updates.php


executed the admin/announcements.php and successfully created an announcement


executed the admin/category.php unsuccessfuly



My _config.php



## cpCommerce by Matthew Wilkin ##

## ? Copyright 2002. All Rights Reserved. ##


// Are you performing an Upgrade that requires Purchases to be blocked? (1 = Yes, 0 = No)

$config['upgrading'] = 0; // Displays a message stating the Site is undergoing Upgrades


// Page Display Variables

$config['title'] = "cpCommerce by Matthew Wilkin";

$config['keywords'] = "ecommerce, oscommerce, shopping, online, purhcase, items, categories, " .

"manufacturers, thumbnails, full images, templates, modules, paypal, " .

"2checout, admin, cpCommerce, yourdomainname, Matthew Wilkin, store, sell, ";

$config['description'] = "This E-commerce Script combines many utilities that many other " .

"\'free\' e-commerce scripts provide, except I allow you to completely " .

"customize the entire layout by editing 5 files. This is due to the " .

"script being built using modules (code segments being placed in " .

"particular areas after the layout has been built) and templates (a " .

"file in which designate what shows where). Each of these four files " .

"will be discussed later on in the \'Installation Section\' in more " .

"detail. This application/script requires the use of PHP 4.2.X or " .

"higher with MySQL 3.2.X or higher and sufficient database and server " .

"space for the storage of data and required files.";


// Use SSL for all checkouts? (1 = Yes, 2 = No)

$config['enablessl'] = 2; // currently puts whole site into SSL mode and not just the checkout


// Your site address (no ending slash, no directories)

$config['siteaddress'] = "http://www.panasolutions.com";

$config['ssldomain'] = "https://www.panasolutions.com";


// Site Name

$config['sitename'] = "Panacea Solutions On-Line Store";


// Language Pack by Matthew Wilkin (leave this value as is, and make sure you have english.php uploaded)

$config['up2date_language'] = "language/english.php";


// Language Pack (no begining slash, this is your store's default language)

$config['language'] = "language/english.php";


// Main Directory (with begining slash and ending slashes)

$config['maindir'] = "/cpCommerce/";

$config['sslmaindir'] = "/cpCommerce/";


// Folder Locations (no begining slash)

$config['admin_maindir'] = "admin/";

$config['admin_manual'] = "manual/"; // needs to be chmoded to 0777

$config['admin_module'] = "modules/";

$config['admin_template'] = "template/";

$config['admin_report'] = "reports/"; // needs to be chmoded to 0777

$config['images'] = "images/";

$config['module'] = "modules/";

$config['payment'] = "payment/";

$config['template'] = "template/";

$config['emails'] = "payment/emails/";

$config['category'] = "images/categories/"; // needs to be chmoded to 0777

$config['manufacturer'] = "images/manufacturers/"; // needs to be chmoded to 0777

$config['productsthumbnail'] = "images/products/thumbnails/"; // needs to be chmoded to 0777

$config['productsfullimage'] = "images/products/fullimages/"; // needs to be chmoded to 0777

$config['productsdownloads'] = "images/products/downloads/"; // needs to be chmoded to 0777


// ImageMagick (auto-thumbnailer)

$config['im_enable'] = 0; // 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled

$config['im_thumbfield'] = 0; // Show Thumbnail Image Field? 1 = Yes, 0 = No

$config['im_exec'] = "convert"; // absolute location of ImageMagick

// Linux/Unix default = "convert"

// Windows default = "c:\imagemagick\convert.exe"

$config['im_height'] = 100; // Thumbnail Height (in pixils)

$config['im_width'] = 100; // Thumbnail Width (in pixils)

$config['im_quality'] = 75; // Image Quality/Resolution (default = 75)


// GD (auto-thumbnailer)

$config['gd_enable'] = 0; // 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled

$config['gd_thumbfield'] = 0; // Show Thumbnail Image Field? 1 = Yes, 0 = No

$config['gd_height'] = 100; // Thumbnail Height (in pixils)

$config['gd_width'] = 100; // Thumbnail Width (in pixils)


// State and Abbreviation Values (seperate with commas)

$config['acc_states'] = "Alabama,Alaska,Arizona,Arkansas,California,Colorado,Connecticut," .

"Delaware,Florida,Georgia,Hawaii,Idaho,Illinois,Indiana,Iowa,Kansas," .

"Kentucky,Louisiana,Maine,Maryland,Massachusetts,Michigan,Minnesota," .

"Mississippi,Missouri,Montana,Nebraska,Nevada,New Hampshire,New Jersey," .

"New Mexico,New York,North Carolina,North Dakota,Ohio,Oklahoma,Oregon," .

"Pennsylvania,Rhode Island,South Carolina,South Dakota,Tennessee,Texas," .

"Utah,Vermont,Virginia,Washington,West Virginia,Wisconsin,Wyoming,Not in USA";

$config['acc_abbrev'] = "AL,AK,AZ,AR,CA,CO,CT,DE,FL,GA,HI,ID,IL,IN,IA,KS,KY,LA,ME,MD,MA,MI,MN," .


"WA,WV,WI,WY,Not in USA";


// Address Layout (name = {name}, address = {address}, city = {city}, state = {state},

// postal code = {postalcode}, and country = {country})

$config['acc_address'] = "{Panacea Solutions, LLC} <br>\n" .

"{114 Stonehedge Drive} <br>\n" .

"{Carlisle}, {PA} {17013-9116} <br>\n" .



// Show # items in each row

$config['showCategories'] = 3;

$config['showManufacturers'] = 3;

$config['showProducts'] = 3;


// Administrator Information

$config['emailaddress'] = "[email protected]";


// Payment Method

$config['buyeridentity'] = 2; // 1 = anyone can purchase, 2 = members only

$config['postmode'] = 1; // 1 = live, 2 = demo


// Default Currency Symbol

$config['currency'] = "$";

$config['currency_code'] = "USD"; // "USD", "EUR", "GBP", "CAD", and "JPY"

$config['currency_th_sep'] = ","; // Thousands Seperator: 1,000

$config['currency_dec_pt'] = "."; // Decimal Point: 1.00

$config['currency_template'] = "{symbol}{amount}"; // Shows as $1.00


// Stop Having to Login Twice (If you have to login twice for any reason, make this value 1, else leave it 0)

$config['double_login'] = 0;


// Database Information

$config['host'] = "";

$config['user'] = "XXXXXXXXXX";

$config['pass'] = "XXXXXXXXXX";

$config['database'] = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX";

$config['prefix'] = "cp";



What is cpCommerce?



## cpCommerce by Matthew Wilkin ##

## ? Copyright 2002. All Rights Reserved. ##



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