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The e-commerce.

I really did it this time! Please Help!!


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:o Hi, I am very new at this so please forgive me! I was making a few changes to my about us page. I received the following message:


Parse error: parse error in /home/thecro4/public_html/includes/languages/english/aboutus.php on line 17


I have done everything I know to do but I am not having any luck and now nothing is on that page on my website. Could someone please help me? Thanks so much!






$Id: new_page.php,v 1.3 2001/12/20 14:14:15 dgw_ Exp $


The Exchange Project - Community Made Shopping!



Copyright © 2000,2001 The Exchange Project


Released under the GNU General Public License



define('NAVBAR_TITLE', 'About Us');

define('HEADING_TITLE', 'About Us');



<body><b><font color=maroon>Have you ever been jolted from a sound sleep by someone calling your name, then sat up and discovered you were all alone? What you heard was the call of the goddess. She is always with us, always calling, but only some of us can hear her. Those who can are witches. From Eileen Holland\'s book, "The Wicca Handbook."<br> Merry Meet!<br> Thank you for visiting our little shoppe. We are located in the beautiful foothills of upstate South Carolina. We are committed to our customers. We want your experience with us to be a postive one. If you ever need assistance, please email us. We check our email several times a day and we will respond to yours quickly. If you are looking for something and we don't have it, let us know and we can probably get it for you. <br> Please visit some of our links, or add one yourself!! My personal favorite is www.witchvox.com - Blessed Be!<br> Lady Briana<br><i>Bide the Wiccan Law Ye Must<br> In Perfect Love and Perfect Trust<br> Eight Words the Wiccan Rede fulfill<br> In it harm none, do what Ye will<br> What Ye sends forth come back to thee<br> So ever mind the Rule of Three<br> Follow this with mind and Heart<br> And Merry Ye Meet,<br> and Merry Ye Part!</br></font></i>

<img align="left" src="/images/image1.gif">







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Hi Briana,


try this (it helped me before, hopefully will work for you as well):


define('TEXT_INFORMATION', '<body><b><font color=maroon>Have you ever been jolted from a sound sleep by someone calling your name, then sat up and discovered you were all alone? What you heard was the call of the goddess. She is always with us, always calling, but only some of us can hear her. Those who can are witches. From Eileen Holland\'s book, "The Wicca Handbook."<br> Merry Meet!<br> Thank you for visiting our little shoppe. We are located in the beautiful foothills of upstate South Carolina. We are committed to our customers. We want your experience with us to be a postive one. If you ever need assistance, please email us. We check our email several times a day and we will respond to yours quickly. If you are looking for something and we don't have it, let us know and we can probably get it for you. <br> Please visit some of our links, or add one yourself!! My personal favorite is www.witchvox.com - Blessed Be!<br> Lady Briana<br><i>Bide the Wiccan Law Ye Must<br> In Perfect Love and Perfect Trust<br> Eight Words the Wiccan Rede fulfill<br> In it harm none, do what Ye will<br> What Ye sends forth come back to thee<br> So ever mind the Rule of Three<br> Follow this with mind and Heart<br> And Merry Ye Meet,<br> and Merry Ye Part!</br></font></i><img align="left" src="/images/image1.gif">


There should be no brakes in your html code ... write it as if it would all be one single line ...



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The only apostrophe that I can see has been escaped however you do have an unnecessary </html> and <body> and </body> tags


try this

define('TEXT_INFORMATION', '<font color=maroon>Have you ever been jolted from a sound sleep by someone calling your name, then sat up and discovered you were all alone? What you heard was the call of the goddess. She is always with us, always calling, but only some of us can hear her. Those who can are witches. From Eileen Holland\'s book, "The Wicca Handbook."<br> Merry Meet!<br> Thank you for visiting our little shoppe. We are located in the beautiful foothills of upstate South Carolina. We are committed to our customers. We want your experience with us to be a postive one. If you ever need assistance, please email us. We check our email several times a day and we will respond to yours quickly. If you are looking for something and we don't have it, let us know and we can probably get it for you. <br> Please visit some of our links, or add one yourself!! My personal favorite is www.witchvox.com - Blessed Be!<br> Lady Briana<br><i>Bide the Wiccan Law Ye Must<br> In Perfect Love and Perfect Trust<br> Eight Words the Wiccan Rede fulfill<br> In it harm none, do what Ye will<br> What Ye sends forth come back to thee<br> So ever mind the Rule of Three<br> Follow this with mind and Heart<br> And Merry Ye Meet,<br> and Merry Ye Part!</br></font></i>
<img align="left" src="/images/image1.gif">');

No longer giving free advice. Please place deposit in meter slot provided.  Individual: [=] SME: [==] Corporation: [===]
If deposit does not fit one of the slots provided then you are asking too much! :P

Is your Osc dated try Phoenix  raising oscommerce from the ashes.

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Hi Steve and Christine.

I tried both and I still get the error message. There is something it doesn't like in the following:


define('TEXT_INFORMATION', '<font color=maroon>Have you ever been jolted

but I can't figure it out. Thanks for your suggestions. Anything else I can try?


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