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The e-commerce.

japanese language contribution


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Hello everyone,


I was wondering if there may be someone to help me to sort it out japanese language contribution. There is contribution for osCommerce MS1 and I have MS2.2 Milstone2. I downloaded japanese language contribution but it didn`t work. There is no index.php and something else. Don`t remember. Can someone help me and tell me how can I sort this out. I also sent an email to the person who wrote this contribution and even to company who provides support but NO ANSWER at all. Will approciate any help.


Thank you all



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Thanks Thierry,


I looked at your site and yeah it`s partly in japanese. I`m almost done with everything, but need japanese language because here is Japan, my market. The contribution I downloaded didn`t work. I only could see japanese flag. Once I clicked on it, it showed some error in php and message that there is no index.php You suggesting to rename it. You think it`s going to be fine once I do this?

I also look for nice free ( or for small ammount) tamplate which would be easy to install. I changed layout a little bit by myself, but it doesn`t work as I would like to.

Anyway I will try again and see what`s going to be.



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Yes, you need to have an index.php.

The file default.php was for an old version. It is for that you have to rename it.

You have to make some other modif to have everything working fine.

For more template you have to use the Creload 6.0 (4 templates) and with the french version you have another one.

You can also install a contribution to be able to modify the boxes, there is one but I do not remember which one.


Are you based in Japan ?



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Hi :)


Thanks again. Yes I`m based in Japan close to Tokyo Disneland (10min. by bicycle) ;) I will put Japanese contribution and see how it works. By the way, I did back up long time ago and my host sent me an email that there is problem with my server and they reset everything. I had to load everythig from the beginning. How do you do back up to be save? I will very appreciate your help as usual :rolleyes:


You can also write to my private email address.


Thank you oncxe again for everything


Adam Kalbarczyk - Japan

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry for not replying but I was in Japan for easter and I am just back.

I do really love the sakura period.


I hope you have fixed your problem.


To avoid backup problem I installed in my PC Apache+SQL to be able to run my site off line. I use Beyond Compare 2 to upload, dowload, compare the files.


The only advice I must give. before making any modifications backup even if it takes 30mm to do it. I am currently spending days because I did something somewhere as a result I have got trouble with my site and I DID NOT BACKUP BEFORE. I have got just an old backup.

Do not forget as well backing your database up in admin.


Before I had the date on my footer in Japanese now I lost it and it is in english.

Do you have the date in the footer in Japanese or in English when you switch on Japanese. If you have it in Japanese how did you manage it ?



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