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I had it...I installed the Sm, Md, Lg Images contribution and everything was working perfectly. Until I decided to change the dimensions of my Medium images. Now(for some odd reason), NO IMAGE shows up on the product info page and when you click on "Click To Enlarge" the medium pic pops up in a new window.


I have no idea what happened.



(pulling my hair out)

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go into the admin section and turn on sql logging, making sure you point the file to a spot where you can access it to view what the application is doing. also, look at the server error and access logs, you can possibly find out what is going on there.

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OK, I at least know what it's doin'...Now I just need to fix it...


If I add a product and I only upload the full size image, a shrunken version of that file will appear on the home page. But when you click on it, the images on the product_info.php and pop-up are broken(I guess they're looking for the medium amd large pic). And the "Click to Enlarge" link points to the javascript function.


But if I add a product and I upload all three images, I get the thumbail on the home page but I get nothing on the products_info.php(not even a red "x") and the "Click to Enlarge" link opens a new browser window with the medium image in it instead of using the javascript function.


I can't figure this one out....

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