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Remove white background from box contents


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I am in the process of integrating a new template into my store but cant figure out a way to remove the white background behind the contents of a box.


I have set a background image in column_left.php as well as in each of the individual boxes in includes/boxes but I still cant get the background to show through.


If you have a look at http://www.knickershop.co.uk/catalog/index.php and look behind specials, bestsellers etc you will see what I mean - the background image is displayed initially in the box but as soon as the PHP code is placed it puts a white background behind the contents - how can I remove this?





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I am in the process of integrating a new template into my store but cant figure out a way to remove the white background behind the contents of a box.


I have set a background image in column_left.php as well as in each of the individual boxes in includes/boxes but I still cant get the background to show through.


If you have a look at http://www.knickershop.co.uk/catalog/index.php and look behind specials, bestsellers etc you will see what I mean - the background image is displayed initially in the box but as soon as the PHP code is placed it puts a white background behind the contents - how can I remove this?





Try going into the stylesheet and replacing the #ffffff with clear in the background of your infobox class

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