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OS commerce product listing


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The oscommerce readme file for 'osCProductListingSelect for MS2' states the following:



1. DATABASE - INSERT the following MySQL statements into your database,

either from the command line or via phpMyAdmin.


INSERT INTO configuration VALUES ('', 'Product Listing Display Style', 'PRODUCT_LISTING_DISPLAY_STYLE', 'list', 'Choose which Style you would like use to display your products on the Product Listing Pages.<br><br>Whichever style you choose, make sure you configure the appropriate settings for the style of listing you have selected.', 8, 0, NULL, now(), '', 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'list\', \'columns\'),');

INSERT INTO configuration VALUES ('', 'Number of Columns for Product Listing', 'PRODUCT_LIST_COL_NUM', '3', 'Enter the number of columns you would like to display your products on the Product Listing pages.', 8, 1, NULL, now(), NULL, NULL);


This download is supposed to let you display products in 2 columns instead of 1.


I don't understand how to insert this into my 'database'.


Pls help, if possible.



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Download PhpMyAdmin, install it and use it to upload the .sql file that came with the contribution. Please read the installation instructions for phpMyAdmin before asking how to install it.

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