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broken images under includes/languages/english


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installation & configuration were perfect and everything fine.


but some icon pictures are broken (not all icon pictures)!



All icon pictures located under


catalog/includes/languages/english/images &



are broken.


i already checked permission of icon files and

each sub-directories' permission also.

and uploaded again in binary mode

The permissions are normal.

directories 755

files 644


real url is




Please let me know to solve this problem.


Thank you

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Hey Sammy,


I'm not sure what is wrong but I will make an attempted.


Go to admin/location/languages and check the directory pointers that are stated there. It appears the language pointers are fowled up for some reason.


It looks like you tried to remove the stock language files because there is only one picture there and there should be three I think.


Depending on how you did this you may have goofed in a db entry if you edited directly in the db.


Get to your files on the server and verify that they are all there. All the icons you are missing are in the languages files.


Sorry I couldn't help much. The good news is there shouldn't be any file permission problems and the code for the page is correct.



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