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PHP/SSL Config Problem


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I have installed OSC and it works fine if I start my Apache2 using apachectl start (ie, using httpd.conf only). However, as soon as I start Apache2 with apachectl startssl (ie, using ssl.conf as well as httpd.conf) I get an Internal Server error whenever I try to run any OSC PHP script - ie, If I go to http://mydomain/catalog/ or http://mydomain/catalog/install/. I am using http each time, and I have not got up to the stage of using https, so am not even using SSL.


I know that PHP works as I run other PHP scripts (eg webmail) and they work fine in both http and https (not that the protocol should matter).


Has anyone body come across this before, if so, how did you fix it? Alternatively, has anyone got any ideas?



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