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Extra Information in Order Process Emails


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Hi all,


I need to have the customer email address and contact number under the delivery address in the email sent to the admin side whenever a user makes an order.


Tried to edit the order.php but it didn't work. I need this urgently. Anyone pls help. Thanks!

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You can add it to the bottom of the email by doing this:


Change /catalog/checkout_process.php


// send emails to other people



// send emails to other people
   tep_mail('', SEND_EXTRA_ORDER_EMAILS_TO, EMAIL_TEXT_SUBJECT, $email_order . '\n\n' . $order->customer['email_address']. '\n' . $order->customer['telephone'], STORE_OWNER, STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS);


If you want it directly below the delivery address it will go to the customer also because the information is reused in the admin email. If that doesn't matter then do it this way.


Change this

if ($order->content_type != 'virtual') {
   $email_order .= "\n" . EMAIL_TEXT_DELIVERY_ADDRESS . "\n" . 
                   EMAIL_SEPARATOR . "\n" .
                   tep_address_label($customer_id, $sendto, 0, '', "\n") . "\n";

to this

 if ($order->content_type != 'virtual') {
   $email_order .= "\n" . EMAIL_TEXT_DELIVERY_ADDRESS . "\n" .
     $order->customer['email_address']. "\n" . 
                   $order->customer['telephone']  . "\n" .
                   EMAIL_SEPARATOR . "\n" .
                   tep_address_label($customer_id, $sendto, 0, '', "\n") . "\n";

while (!succeed) {try()};


GMT -6:00

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