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EasyPopulate Import Problem!


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Hi Guys,


I am trying to import my products (3 test products to start with), I entered one producy manually and then exported it using the 'Download Complete tab-delimited .txt file to edit' option.


I edited the file using microsoft works spreadsheet, added two more different products.


Now when I upload the ep file, I am told that all products have been updated, but only the first product is actually there and then part of the actual product name is missing!


I am now stumped! :huh: Is this an easypopulate problem or am I doing something wrong?





Lifes a bitch, then you marry one, then you die!

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Hi Guys,


I have now tried saving the file as a csv file and uploading it, now all I get is this


File uploaded.

Temporary filename: C:\DOCUME~1\MARKCL~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\php6D.tmp

User filename: ep1a.csv

Size: 759


But still no products will upload!


Has anyone come across this problem???





Lifes a bitch, then you marry one, then you die!

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I use the microsoft works spreadsheet, it only lets me save the files as either





txt (text & tabs)




There is no export function that I can find, is there any other way I can save the file as tab delimited.



Lifes a bitch, then you marry one, then you die!

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Hi Guys,


I have managed to save the file as tab delimited, but now when I try to upload the file I get this error:


File uploaded.

Temporary filename: C:\DOCUME~1\MARKCL~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\php94.tmp

User filename: ep1.txt

Size: 149872

41Nokia 3310 Dicks House "Muff Diver"... ERROR! - Too many characters in the model number.

12 is the maximum on a standard OSC install.

Your maximum product_model length is set to 25

You can either shorten your model numbers or increase the size of the field in the database.


I have changed the product_model length to 100 and it still does not work, any ideas on how to sort it?





Lifes a bitch, then you marry one, then you die!

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Hi Guys,


I have managed to split my file and save them as tab delimited files.


However now when I view a product in the catalog it shows me the small image but no image shows when I click to see the enlarged version.


Now whats gone wrong?







Lifes a bitch, then you marry one, then you die!

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First of all..

In easypopulate.php you have a standard field that tells you how long the modelnr should be maximum


//**** Size of products_model in products table ****
// set this to the size of your model number field in the db.  We check to make sure all models are no longer than this value.
// this prevents the database from getting fubared.  Just making this number bigger won't help your database!  They must match!
global $modelsize;
$modelsize = 15;


modelnr should be a short number.. It?s for you so that u easy can order that the customer wants.

My nummers reflect the numbers that mine Manufacturers


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I have uploaded the products ok, when you view the product it shows all ok.


The problem now is that when I click to enlarge the image it opens the window but just shows a red cross.



Lifes a bitch, then you marry one, then you die!

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All my gifs and jpegs appear to be in the right place, I have even tried uploading the image again by editing the product in admin but still no joy! :blink:


I am really starting to get a bit peeved with the whole thing! :angry:


I dont understand why the small image shows but not the larger version!


If this cannot be solved is there anyway to get rid of the click to enlarge option and just display the large image?


Help Please!





Lifes a bitch, then you marry one, then you die!

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Sorry to bump this one back up guys, but can anyone shed anymore light on my problem?


I have noticed that when I go to load images using the main page editor contrib that no files are shown in the image root!





Edited by mark27uk3

Lifes a bitch, then you marry one, then you die!

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you probably have the image url/link in the wrong field.


i had the same prob and fixed it by downloading the original/default EP file and seeing where the image links were.


i had my LARGE image url in large when it should have been in medium. didn't amke sense to me but fixed the problem



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