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The e-commerce.

is there a Product accessories list?


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Is there a way when a customer adds or looks at a certain product there will be a special module that has accessories for THAT particular item?

for example, lets say i add a camcorder to my website, and as accessories i have stands, video tapes, batteries, cases. so when the user clicks to see the camcorder or adds it to his cart is there a way the accessories will show up? (stands, video tapes, batteries, cases.) so they can add that to the cart too? Let me know not sure what its really called but iv been searching couldn't find anything, someone help! thanks!


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thanks, i was looking for more of a contrib that will have actual products at the bottom of that item they click. with images, like a suggestion... like "what other customers also bought" kinda thing.. anyone know what im talking about?

Thanks for yur help


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