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Visitors See Other Customer Data Pre-Filled


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A customer just called today - as he was heading to sign up, another customer's data was prefilled in the fields. Or so he said.


Since they are both on two different computers - one in Utah and the other in Alabama, how is this possible? And how can I fix it?


I have a suspicion that he was simply confused about the page he was on when he talked to us. My thoughts are that he was attempting checkout, but another customer's data was pre-filled in the address field. If this is the case, then how would this be possible and how could I fix it?


Default osC II MS II install, with CardZapper, Multiple Table Shipping Options and osCAffilliate installed.


Thanks in advance.

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To further add to this nightmare -


Another customer called, just as I was leaving the office. She said that she got to step 4, but it would not process her order - so she called in her order instead. I thanked her.


I went to the admin area - no order. I went to the main page (what the customer sees). I discovered that if anybody who had a cookie from our cart decided to visit, they would automatically be logged in as the customer who just called. I was. My boss was. And another PC I work on was.


This is new and has never happened before today. I installed this cart in October and it was running nearly perfect until I was walking out the door to begin a 3-day vacation. Murphy's Law.


The ONLY thing I've changed in months has been to set "Check SSL Session ID" to False - this was in response to AOL users not being able to use the cart. However, I've changed it back to "True" and the same thing happens.


So now my index.php is replaced with a page that asks customers to call in, and quite possibly my job is on the line.


What possibly could have caused this? Anybody else have this experience?

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Does anyone think this might be the result of a corrupted MySQL or PHP installation? Or a patch? Considering I only changed a single setting (re-enabled 'Check SSL Session ID'), I don't see how that one setting could cause so much strange acticity.


Any help appreciated. Thx.

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