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The e-commerce.

OScommerce is too slow


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I have been playing with the oscommerce package for 2 weeks now. And I find that this product is a great alternative, and one I would very much like to use for a project I have going on, I find that the biggest killer of this application is the ammount of queries to the database. I have approxamitly 3000 products in it right now with 1000 or so catagories, all of my data is structured properly. And yet It just takes forever to load. And forget using the administrative plugins for the catagories, and custemers. It times out every time. Its as if its reading everything for a few peices of data.

I have reindexed every table, and optimized them as well. I have segregated teh SQL portion of the application to another server Compaq ML370g3 2.5gbs ram. The web server is also running this slow. Is there any suggestions or tips that I am not aware of before I give oscommerce up? I really hope so I enjoy the use of open source software, and I think this product has a ton of potential. Please let me know.


Please check out the web site that we are developing to give you and idea of how slow its working,





IT manager

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enable and load gzip compression, for the system timing out, could be many things, so i would look at the server access and error logs, (not a part of oscommerce) and if that is still a problem, then enable sql logging and see what is going on there.

this is what i saw for the catalog/index.php page


Connection Rate Download Time

14.4K 62.19 seconds

28.8K 33.29 seconds

33.6K 29.17 seconds

56K 19.26 seconds

ISDN 128K 8.95 seconds

T1 1.44Mbps 4.80 seconds

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I think you have some sort of problem with your categories.php.


This page hsould not load any slower than you index.php. Did you make *any* changes to it?


NOTE: As of Oct 2006, I'm not as active in this forum as I used to be, but I still work with osC quite a bit.

If you have a question about any of my posts here, your best bet is to contact me though either Email or PM in my profile, and I'll be happy to help.

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Well, there definalty seems to be a problem proprietary to your site.


I've seen other OSCommerce sites with 100's of 1000's of products that load the categories.php faster than yours.


NOTE: As of Oct 2006, I'm not as active in this forum as I used to be, but I still work with osC quite a bit.

If you have a question about any of my posts here, your best bet is to contact me though either Email or PM in my profile, and I'll be happy to help.

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I seemed to have fixed my problem. I created additional indexes in the MYSQL database and that improved the speed of the admin interface and the pages by 3/4ths wich is quite a bit when you are talking 120 seconds to do a query. Also my CPU utilization on the web server has dropped by 90% wich means I can handle alot more visits. Thank you all for you're help. I hope this information helps some people.

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here is the time now:


Connection Rate Download Time

14.4K 40.83 seconds

28.8K 22.72 seconds

33.6K 20.13 seconds

56K 13.92 seconds

ISDN 128K 7.45 seconds

T1 1.44Mbps 4.85 seconds

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Two things,


1. I see that configuration->Cache->Use Cache is set to false.


I believe setting this true might improve the category loading time. However it may not help out in the admin section.


2. You might want to also set sessions to 'mysql' in both your catalog and admin configure.php's.


3. A Linux apache server might be faster (no php cgi) than your Windows NT IIS server, but I don't want go down that path of discussion. ;)


The site seems to run very nicely today, although I am on a cable modem.


Good Luck




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first...I just accessed you catalog page and it was wicked fast

second....I just pm'd you on an URGENT topic

"Aliiiiive, it's alive, it's ALIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE!!!"

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  • 2 weeks later...

To speed up you're catalog in oscommerce the best way is to do the following.




Open the oscommerce database, and choose the following tables


Anything catagories

Anything products


Create seperate indexes for each feild in the table, that fixed my speed of my site much better.


I am sorry I cant explain it better , but I hope it helps some people out.


To see the speed of a site that has this done go to www.cabvi.org/catalog


And imagine 31000 products on a traditional site.

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  • 3 months later...

Not every field just the ones that need it.


Here is some from another thread.


alter table categories add index (sort_order); 

alter table customers add index (customers_email_address); 

alter table orders add index (customers_id); 

alter table products add index (products_model), add index (products_price), add index (products_date_available), add index (manufacturers_id); 

alter table products_attributes add index (products_id), add index (options_id); 

alter table products_options add index (products_options_name);


3. A Linux apache server might be faster (no php cgi) than your Windows NT IIS server, but I don't want go down that path of discussion. 


Check this info about php on windows.

Zend WinEnabler

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you are going to kill yourself if you index every single field in the table, it starts taking overhead, not worth it at all.

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  • 2 years later...


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