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New products background color


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Your .css file will be in: catalog/stylesheet.css

Backgorund should be right up top.

Now I have not changed my entire background, but I did put an image in my right and left columns and my header. I did the header like this in catalog/stylesheet.css


TR.header {

BACKGROUND-IMAGE: url(images/LBROSE.jpg) ;



this was a suggestion from one of our php guru's in one of the thread yesterday.

Now my LBROSE.jpg is a tile and you can see this in the header if you look close but you can pretty much do whatever you want. Here is a link to my site which, I'm proud to say, went live 2 days ago!!!java script:emoticon(':rolleyes:')

My Webpage

Hope this helps you with what you want or at least points you in the right direction.

Good Luck


java script:add_smilie(%22:D%22)

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I can tell you where to find the file if that helps?




It's a table so I'd assume you just set the background colour of the table to white.


<td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> </td>


Not sure if this will help...


Jane ;)

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But if I change that don't all the infoboxes change color ? It's just the New Products box I want to change color on.

You have a couple of choices.

You can create a new class just for the box you want to change. Basically copy the infobox info in the style sheet and rename it and then change the new products box where it calls for the infobox info to your new class.

There is also a contribution that will let you make all the boxes different but if you only want to change one that is probably overkill.

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Got to the WIKI and read up on the style sheet.


They have a full explanation of every line in the sheet.


I found it a great help when I was setting up.




Catalog Stylesheet is usually in catalog/stylesheet.css


In the stylesheet you can change almost every colour for text and background right thru the whole thing.


Good luck!



Kim Grant Carter - Koh Samui - Thailand

"This sentence is not true."

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Thanks all for the help. I changed the .infoBoxContents background color in the css file even if I didn't want to change the background color on all the infoboxes, but I guess it will be good enough ;)

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  • 2 years later...

If anyone is reading this, and needs the answer:


In catalog/includes/modules/new_products.php add bgcolor="-------" to the params - see below:


'params' => 'class="smallText" width="33%" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"',


This will change the background colour of the new products infobox, without changing all the other infoboxes.


xGemx ;)

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  • 2 months later...
If anyone is reading this, and needs the answer:


In catalog/includes/modules/new_products.php add bgcolor="-------" to the params - see below:


'params' => 'class="smallText" width="33%" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"',


This will change the background colour of the new products infobox, without changing all the other infoboxes.


xGemx ;)


Thanks Gemma. Been trying to do this for days. I knew there had to be a simple way without creating New_Classes etc....



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  • 1 year later...
If anyone is reading this, and needs the answer:


In catalog/includes/modules/new_products.php add bgcolor="-------" to the params - see below:


'params' => 'class="smallText" width="33%" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"',


This will change the background colour of the new products infobox, without changing all the other infoboxes.


xGemx ;)


Thanks for the tip.


I have the display price is white too. So how do I change this display price to different color?



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