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Need Suggestions On Shipping Calculation


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I have a client that sells small, low priced items. They ship via USPS' Flat Rate Priority Envelopes. Currently they are having a customer send in an order via email, figure out if they can fit everything into 1 envelope or 2. Then they email them back with the cost of shipping the order.


Essentially the cost of shipping is based on volume of merchandise. If the volume of merchandise exceeds the volume of 1 envelope the cost should increment.


Just curious if anyone else has already implemented a solution for this type of situation before I start working on it myself. Don't want redo something that is already done.

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Most of the shipping modules work on the basis of weight or price,

but not volumn. Not knowing how many or what weight products you have

I would suggest that you try the following. Priority Mail Envelopes

are linited to 2# and USPS Priority boxes are limited to around 3#

If you evaluated each product weight based on the number that would

fit in either container(you have to choose one), then set that

incremental weight for that product. Example, item 1. weighs 2 ounces

but only four fit in an envelope and the envelope weight maximum is

2# then the new weight is 8 ounces. Item 2. weighs 1 ounce and 10

fit in an envelope the new weight is 3.2 ounces. Now if the maximum

shipping weight in admin/configuration is set to 2# then any

combination of items totalling 2# will be shipped in one envelope.

Otherwise shipping will show two or more envelopes. This system only

works if the container is fix to one kind and volumn. But you could

set it to just about any single container you should decide to use.

The only thing is, if you change containers you will to evaluate

the products again.

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another one that will help you tremedously is the UPS contibution.


It gets actual shiping cost and you can pad it a little bit. This goes by weight which is important because that is how ups charges you.


Hope this helps

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