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Visual Verify Code Error


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I have just installed the Visual Verify Code module, have installed it before on another shop but I keep getting this error:


1146 - Table 'db91008372.TABLE_VISUAL_VERIFY_CODE' doesn't exist

DELETE FROM TABLE_VISUAL_VERIFY_CODE WHERE oscsid='24873c48415185f30ade411dc452afd7'



I have also noticed that the so called 'link pool' where the characters for the visual display box, the variable does not exist, so I dont know if this mod has been tampered with or not.


Here's the link : VVC CODE



I dont quite understand why thats happening as I have linked all my tables correctly and followed the instructions thoroughly through a few times.



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The message means that the table that the VVC needs doesn't exist in the database. Did you add the .sql file that came with the contribution to your database?

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