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Editing cc.php in /osc/eshop/includes/language


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In /osc/eshop/includes/languages/english/modules/payment I have two payment methods I am using - Credit Card (cc.php) and Check/Money Order (moneyorder.php). I've successfully added text to appear in the footer of the confirmation email for moneyorder.php to tell people that shipping may be different and we hold orders til payment is received. I want to add the same shipping disclaimer to the footer for cc.php, but am having ZERO luck at doing so. Can someone help me? Am I missing something that has to be pulled out of the DB?


I've also read on the OSC Support Forums about editing something in orders.php to add that confirmation - the thing never shows up when I do it. Could I be doing something wrong there as well? Any emails/posts/suggestions are appreciated.


Help me appease my office manager!!


Thank you... Tim

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