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adding meta tag module


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I've downloaded the new meta tag module, and I'm just stumped. I'm an html designer and very new to db so everything's a little alien. My questions are...

1. what is meant by "run" header.sql ? is this a remote exectuion or do you just type the path catalogue/header.sql into IE. Excuse my newbieness here, just a little stumped.


How do you edit or add lines to the database product_description ? I've got php myadmin and i found the line ok, just not sure what to do from there. insert? edit? etc. just don't trust myself to figure this one out myself.

Thanks in advance for any help!!


Ken LaVoie

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< what is meant by "run" header.sql ? is this a remote exectuion or do you just type the path catalogue/header.sql into IE. Excuse my newbieness here, just a little stumped. >


1. copy header.sql text

2. open phpMyAdmin, open the table you want to modify

3. click the SQL tab and paste header.sql text

4. click go !



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Well I'm back. I tried to install that contribution that allows you to add title and description tags to the times and crahsed the cart, restoring backup wiped out 8 out of 12 table so I deleted the cart, reinstalled, put all the items back in, altered the header and footer files, etc. etc.

Now! I'd like to hire someone on this forum to do the job for me. I need header tags controller 2.2 installed so I have a template for future carts. Most of the lines of code the cont. refereed to were not in my cart general.php file so maybe my cart is too new. But I'd be willing to pay to have someone do this for me. Losing your whole cart is no way to learn. Anyone out there?? Thanks much in advance.



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