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Shipping doesnt show up in order after contribs


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Ok, so I backed everything up before going contrib happy over the weekend, I installed Easy populate, Attribute sort, and another one that puts the attributes into the item page in the admin (enter attributes when you enter the product)


Anyhow all has been good until now, my wife notices orders are coming through with the correct shipping amount but not showing what shipping option!


I thought maybe I could delete the shipping modules I have (USPS and UPS) and reenter them. I click on USPS to edit and I get this


Fatal error: Call to undefined function: tep_cfg_select_multioption() in /home/warrior007/www/mall/catalog/admin/modules.php(216) : eval()'d code on line 1


I think I see the problem here, something is making my site try and locate the modules folder in the root of admin, its really under includes.


Does anyone have any idea which contrib might have messed this up? I backed everything up after each module install (but overwrote them after not seeing this error)

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found the option turned off in shipping total.. the other error was a bad shipping module.. A problem I created trying to figure out what was wrong


now if I could just get the other damn shipping option to show up

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