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Taxing Products in Multiple States


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I've been having trouble with one issue and it doesn't seem to be answered anywhere.


I first want to say that I *have* read the documentation and implemented tax zones and such for products to be taxed in one (and only one) state. It works.


What I need is for tax to be applied in more than one (or all) states.


Here's a quick example:


Example 1

1. Company has warehouses in 2 different states.

2. Same product ships from both warehouses.

3. Customers in these 2 states need to be taxed (at their different state tax rates for the same product).

4. All other customers living in all other states pay no tax.


From what I can gather, it always comes down to selecting a 'Tax Class' for the product. And that product wants to have a single tax rate assigned. I want the customer's state to determine the rate that is charged.


Example 2

To expand the example further, what if I wanted to charge the customer's appropriate sales tax in every state (for only some products)? This issue arises because we take orders for some vendors who charge sales tax for all states (because they have a presence in all of them) and other vendors who charge sales tax in only the single state that they are located in.


So the basic question is: Can I set up one product to be taxed in more than one state at that state's (and only that state's) appropriate sales tax rate?


I can't seem to get it to work. I can have it taxed in one state and not the others, but not in multiple states (at the appropriate rate) and not others.


Thanks for your help.



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First of all Tax classes are not shipto or shipby, Tax classes are Taxable and NoN-Taxable or as in some locations Reduced Tax being applied to a partially exempt item. Secondly sales tax in OSC is driven by the purchasers state or zip code. So you can setup as many taxable states as you wish. Remember to use the full spelling of the states you want to collect tax for, in Tax Zones. Also remember to click on the folder icon at the left end of your state Tax Zone, insert, edit and insert. The info is self explanitory. Now go to Tax Rates and enter a Tax Rate for each state you have a Tax Zone setup for. The priority means nothing unless you have more than one tax for the same Zone... Third, You need to create a Tax Class say Texas retail tax next you go to tax Rates and Setup ther Tax Rate as you would normally. Then go into your products and set those which you only want taxed at that specail rate with that tax Class..... Questions??????

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That's the best description of the tax info that I've seen. And your help worked! We have many relationships with different vendors (each with different tax needs) and your description of the classes helped me see that all I need to do is set up a vendor-specific class prior to defining the rates.


Works like a charm.


Thanks again.



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