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The e-commerce.

How does the shopping basket work??


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Hi there people...


Ive asked a similar question before and ive gone around looking but im getting no-where!


I need to know how the shopping basket works? Ive installed the custom computer builder(and ive looked under contributions support) but no-one else seems to have this problem!


I need the individual items to be added into the shopping cart instead of just the "custom computer" for a number of reasons! A=Shipping is calculated according to wieght, and B=its easier to work out what to build if it isnt all in one!


So, all i need to know is how to add products to the shopping basket(can i send the product id to the basket, or what does it look for???), or, if someone else has worked around the problem please help, im about to throw this damn pc out the window...


Thx people,

Nick :ph34r:


:ph34r: mmmmm....


Does no-one know?? Please, im desparate here...


How do you post stuff to the shopping cart>>>>>Please????




Anyone??? Or am i attempting the impossible here?????

  • 1 year later...

If you can figure out how to add an ID to the shopping cart all you need to do is store that id and the accompanying options in a separate table. use the database for this.


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