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index.php undfined function


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No matter how i change this line , i always get a undefined function error or a parse error . This line is located in /catalog/index.php .




define('TEXT_MAIN', 'Welkom op de webshop van <b> DCS Stein .</b><br><br><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="2" ' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES ) .'"</td><b>Wie zijn wij?</b><br><br>




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1) you have to end your DEFINE('TEXT_MAIN')', ' your information here with the following: ');


2) you have to escape any single quotation marks(apostrophe) ' with a backslash example:


that\'s my dog\'s stuff


3) You do NOT have to escape double quotes " if they are contained in html tags.


4) Best to call images with their url in this section:


<img src="catalog/path/to/my/image.xxx">


Hope this helps

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