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Exporting Table data help.


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I need a bit of help. I would like to export data from the table in a text file so it can be read in be another program, but I need some help. The structure of how Id like it exported can be found in the file here:



Heres the code I made that displays the bame and address info correctly, but I cant figure out how to get the orders to match, or a text file to export.


SELECT `orders_id`, `customers_company`, `customers_name`, `customers_street_address`, `customers_city`, `customers_state`, `customers_postcode`, `customers_country`, `delivery_street_address`, `delivery_city`, `delivery_state`, `delivery_postcode`, `delivery_country`
FROM `orders`
ORDER BY `orders`.`orders_id` ASC 
LIMIT 0 , 30


Can anyone help?

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Aren't they all?


Using phpMyAdmin do the following:


1) Backup database


2) Open database


3) Click on Export tab


4) Select table(s) that you want to export


5) Check CSV for Ms Excel data or CSV (Ilike just CSV because you have the option to "Put fields names at first row")




7) Click "GO"


8) Enter location to save .zip file to (ex: db90741913[1].csv)


9) Unzip file and open in MSExcel. You can manipulate to your hearts contents. and save in any format you please.


Depending on the version of MSExcel you use, you may have to open MSExcel first and then import the file as a CSV file.

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