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Newbie needs help with boxes + simple questions!!!


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I've been browsing through wiki's documents, but found no answer, anyway, I think this should be quite a simple problem that most would know the answer:


1. I know that boxes can be added and removed in the main page by changing the column_left and column_right.htm.


But I'd like to remove boxes inside the product listing and product details, I don't need the product notifications , Tell a friend, Review boxes. Where are their settings stored?


2. How do I protect the admin's index.htm, so that other people can't mess around with my store configuration?


3. How can I remove the "Continue" bitmap button that occurs in the bottom of most pages (In product listing pages it is "Add to Cart" and "Reviews")? And is it possible that I remove the entire box?


Thanks in advance!!!

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1. I know that boxes can be added and removed in the main page by changing the column_left and column_right.htm.


But I'd like to remove boxes inside the product listing and product details, I don't need the product notifications , Tell a friend, Review boxes. Where are their settings stored?

This is also in the column_left.php and column_right.php files. Their calls reside inside of conditional statements that control when they are displayed.

Rule #1: Without exception, backup your database and files before making any changes to your files or database.

Rule #2: Make sure there are no exceptions to Rule #1.

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