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Setting up Front Page


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I am a novice in PHP and I am trying to change the opening page of the shop.


However, I must ahve done something wrong. The shop is on http://www.henderpublishing.com/shop and on the top of the page it says:


Parse error: parse error in /usr/home/dehen/public_html/shop/includes/languages/english/index.php on line 19


I have only changed the lines after the 'TEXT_MAIN' and here is my change:




$Id: index.php,v 1.1 2003/06/11 17:38:00 hpdl Exp $


osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions



Copyright © 2003 osCommerce


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define('TEXT_MAIN', 'Welcome to the Hender Publishing E-Book Shop</b><br>Please feel free to check out all the titles. At present we have only a limited amount of E-Books. We are looking for writers and are giving away 10 FREE publishing contracts, the only requirement is a frank appraisal (testimonial) on the end.<br><br>As you notice all our prices are in US Dollars. This is due to the fact that we publish in all english speaking countries.<br><br><b>Feedback</b><br><br>Please do not hesitate in giving us some feedback and also what kind of genre you would like to see in the shop.<br><br>Thank you');

define('TABLE_HEADING_NEW_PRODUCTS', 'New Products For %s');

define('TABLE_HEADING_UPCOMING_PRODUCTS', 'Upcoming Products');

define('TABLE_HEADING_DATE_EXPECTED', 'Date Expected');

if ( ($category_depth == 'products') || (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['manufacturers_id'])) ) {

define('HEADING_TITLE', 'Let's See What We Have Here'); ..............


I do not understand the parsing line. Is there somebody who can tell me what I did wrong?


I thank you very much



Detlev Litzkow

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you have been using the online file manager to edit. There is a known issue with the file manager removing \ backslashes from the code which gives the parse error. It is better to use an ftp program such as ws_ftp to download the file and edit offline then upload.


here is one problem

define('HEADING_TITLE', 'Let's See What We Have Here');

this should be

define('HEADING_TITLE', 'Let\'s See What We Have Here');

there will be other instances of the apostrophe that require correction such as these

define('TEXT_BUY', 'Buy 1 \'');
 define('TEXT_NOW', '\' now');
 define('HEADING_TITLE', 'What\'s New Here?');

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Thank you Steve,


I used the ftp program and altered the suggested items. It workd fine. I will form now on use a text editor to make changes.


Thank you again



Detlev Litzkow :)

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