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Notify of updates, how does this work?


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How does the notify me of updates work?

Does an email automatically get sent to the customer?


I tried testing this but didn't see a notification.


Do I have to actually tell it to send the notification?


Thanks for any advice on this and sorry if it is a dumb question

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On the newsletter manager click new newsletter.


On the module drop down choose "product_notification" and add your title and content. Once you're happy click save.


Now you need to lock the newsletter so you can send it, so click the lock button then the send one. This is where you get the option to choose which product(s) this notification is for. Select your products then send the emails.


Hope this helps





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  • 2 weeks later...

No, the produt selection is just to know which customers will receive the notification (the ones that have selected the opetion in "my account" to receive all the notifications and the customers that have selected this option just for that product)

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