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Developing on IIS serving on Apache - What are the


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I am about to install and try Oscommerce 2.2 ms2 on my local machine (xp pro, iis) but my hosting comapny runs Apache!


Will I have problems when I upload?


What issues should i be aware of?


Any other pointers would be welcome!


Thanking you all in advance



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Hi - when I first started I had exactly the same set-up as you.

I have now moved to having a apache server on my local machine.


The only reason that I have done this is because the search engine friendly URL's option only works on apache and I was finding it a pain in the arse not being able to use exactly the same database data.


Apart from that I can't see there being any issue what so ever. In general though. in my opinion it is easier to have a consistant set up.


Apache is pretty easy to install. Once you have done it once you can do it again.


All the best




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Thanks for the reply. I agree that it would be better to have consistency, but when I tried to uninstall IIS and install Apache I had loads of issues.


One thing I would like clarified if possible, can you upload the oscommerce package to a hosting service under the default permissions?





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Yeah just ftp-it you'll need to set some file permissions for certain folders but apart from that you shouldn't have any probs. If you do just post them in this forum and I'm sure , scrap that, I know someone will help you.

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