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The e-commerce.

how do i open the download in macromedia


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Hello out there could some one help me to get started.

how do i get it to work in macromedia dreamweaver thats if i should be trying to open it there?


I have downloaded it from this site but dont know were to start to open it i am a little thick around computers any way but would be realy happy if some one could give me a starting post at least.

Thanks in advance

Mark (B) :(



If you are on about the ZIP file you will ned something like Winzip to open it. if you want a free versions click on my www below and half way down on the left you will see " zip utility" click and download the file, click on the .exe and install it, you can them open up the package and get at the oscommerce software.

Regards nic


Oops sorry that was the wrong link you want http://www.jadles.co.uk

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Thanks for the quick reply


yes i have done that but i dont understand how i open the full page from all the files at the moment they are all there in macromedia files but how do i see it as a website to edit it?


do i have to put it on a server before i can actualy see what the end product looks like.?



I am sure i have got to put all the files on some thing like macromedia are paint shop are even in pdf.


Has i said before i am new to the web building stages but i am willing to learn hope some one can give me there ideas on how it works

kind regards mark.....


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