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USPS setup help


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I'm getting errors when I try to use the USPS shipping module. I've searched this forum and WIKI, and haven't seen a setup guide for USPS. Forgive me if I've missed it!


I've registered with USPS and have a username and password.


The registration email from USPS says the address to the test server is: testing.shippingapis.com and the path is /ShippingAPITest.dll. Si I've entered


is OSC as the URL of the production server.


I get this error during checkout:

Error: -2147219040SOLServerTest;SOLServerTest.CallRateDllThis Information has not been included in this Test Server.


(I've also tried the server url without /ShippingAPITest.dll, and also leaving the server path box blank since it says "production" server and I'm still on the test server. Both ways generate several lines of error code at the top of the page during checkout.)


I'm assuming I've done something wrong in the setup, but I don't know what. I'd appreciate a link to a doc that explains USPS setup, or any other help you can provide...





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This is in admin -> Modules -> Shipping -> United States Postal Service -> Edit


Not a .php file, but in the admin interface.


I went back and searched WIKI and there were no results when searching for 'USPS'. I've found no documentation about how to set this up.



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Im still unclear on this url thing.

My USPS looks like

United States Postal Service



United States Postal Service


You will need to have registered an account with USPS at http://www.uspsprioritymail.com/et_regcert.html to use this module


USPS expects you to use pounds as weight measure for your products.


Enable USPS Shipping



Enter the USPS User ID



Enter the USPS Password



Which server to use



Handling Fee



Tax Class



Shipping Zone



Sort Order



USPS Options

Display weight, Display transit time


Domestic Shipping Methods

Express, Priority, First Class, Parcel


Int'l Shipping Methods

Surface Letter, Surface Post

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The USPS.php I have looks like this for the API's


case 'production': $usps_server = 'production.shippingapis.com';

$api_dll = 'shippingapi.dll';


case 'test':

default: $usps_server = 'testing.shippingapis.com';

$api_dll = 'ShippingAPITest.dll';


The question on the admin edit page "Which server to use" only has two answers 1. Production or 2. Test not urls........


If you haven't called USPS to be put on the production server you can't use it to run tests until you call.

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It appears I've got a different version than you guys.


My usps.php is: usps.php,v 1.33 2002/05/30 15:38:29


The fields I have look like this:



What version is your usps.php?



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The short answer is you need to switch to the production server. The test server does not work (at least not a year ago) with osCommerce or most other packages. Don't know why this is, it just doesn't.


You need to make sure the post office switches your account to the production server. It's pretty simple, just tell them you are using a 3rd party module, osCommerce, and they will change it.



Dan Stevens

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  • 2 years later...

Hello guys.

Just to be shure that you will not face the same problems as I did.

Here is the post of celerityfm in bug posts ( http://www.oscommerce.com/community/bugs,2...hipping+Modules )


TEST mode the USPS module does not work :(. Once I told them to switch me to production all I needed to do was


1. Make sure my zip code was configured under admin configuration-->shippping/packaging-->postal codes


2. Put the special user ID the USPS gave me in the USER ID field under the USPS shipping module and leave the password blank


3. Select that I want to use the production server in the config screen for the shipping module.



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