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I successfully installed option type feature version 1.6 to utilise text fields.

I have over 100 products with around 16 options each, so I thought to make life easy I would install attribute sorter/copier.

I uploaded additional files, ran sql queries and now I'm stuck. After 4 long days I simply can not get it to work.

The problem is I just do not know how to merge the files. I have winmerge but I really have no idea where to put the code as it differs greatly and every which way I try ends up with errors.

In the products admin section I get //CLR 030212 - Add column for option type

?> above the option id etc table and my product info page gets parse errors.

The files in question are admin/products attributes and admin/product info as these were only 2 files changed when options feature added.

Does anyone just have the 2 contributions installed that can please put me out of my misery or explain just how I add the code? There are so many differences when I use winmerge it's frightening for a newbie at all this and I obviously am adding it all wrong.

Please help...I'll be forever grateful.


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