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The e-commerce.

I need everyones HELP! Please


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I have a large list of problems. I had no idea this script had so many problems.


My site: www.mysportsource.com/catalog/


Problem 1: when you click on the checkout link, it gives you a fatal error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: tep_get_configuration_key_value() in /homepages/37/d97494017/htdocs/catalog/checkout_shipping.php on line 18


Someone suggested i uninstall shipping features or something and reinstall them. I dont know what he meant.



Problem 2: When you do a search with the search option, it doesnt work! Go to my site and see


Problem 3: If you go to create an account and fill out all the forms and click submitt it doenst work properly, please try to do it on my site to see.


Problem 4: You cant login to your account that is created. Lots of problems. and Errors



I need everyones help on this. My store has to be open soon. I really hope we can come together and work this out. Feel free to email me. [email protected]

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Hmmmm...CharlieWorks, you have a LOT of work ahead of you. I hope you don't plan on opening in the week or 2.


Ok let me start with the basics first.


1. You need to change all the default categories and rename &/or add more of your own in the admin area. Unless you plan on selling the default stuff OSC has there :P


2. Upload all your images to correspond with with your products.


3. Get rid of the OSC banner on the bottom.


4. Cahnge the browser title & copywrite name.


Your problems:


1. I created an account and when submitting it, all worked as it should.


2. For your error....I have no clue. Did you install a contribution that would mess with this? I don't know why shipping features would be uninstalled. Try uploading the file again & overwrite it using ftp. This is what I have for my code from line 16-20:


// if the customer is not logged on, redirect them to the login page
 if (!tep_session_is_registered('customer_id')) {
   tep_redirect(tep_href_link(FILENAME_LOGIN, '', 'SSL'));


Maybe someone has some advie on this one? Mine works perfectly.


3. Your search works just fine. I used "fire" and everything works. If you are using your own product words it may not work because you have none of your products on there yet.


4. I tried to logon & off and it works just fine. Anyway, you can delete my account now :)


I hope this helps you a little.

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