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Need a Modification to Checkout


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I am a web designer with a customer who does not understand that I cannot modify osCommerce simply like I can simply modify a web (HTML) page. I told him I would see what I can do. I need an additional page in the checkout procedure offering an additional item to be added to the checkout, but not in the general item listings. Please reply if you can help.



[email protected]

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That is a major coding project and you face the same dilema as the rest of us that use OSC for other clients. The fact that the program is so good(and it is) that they think that it can do anything right out of the box.


Tell your client that you have come up with a totally brilliant and far better "consumer friendly" solution. You think that "cross selling" is a much more effective way to handle add-ons. Then, go to the contributions section of the OSC website and download the "cross-sell" contrib. This will allow you to directly link cross-sell items to a product during the shopping process. I personally think that this is a better way of handling "add-ons" anyway.


Your client will think that you invented fire. Just don't let on how easy it was.

"Aliiiiive, it's alive, it's ALIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE!!!"

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