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Per item shipping zone problem


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I've loaded quite a few mod's onto 2 shops, and i use the per item shipping on one.


I have 2 zones setup Europe and Rest of world.


The europe zone has UK VAT applied and flat rate shipping of ?0, and the Rest of world zone has not Tax, and per item shipping of ?2.50 per item.


This worked when i first set it up, but i've just recieved a order from Australia and notice that no shipping was applied to the order!


I guess that one of the mod's has broken this, but i can't think which one it might be.


The contrib's i'm using are:








VAT Display_v1_1


I've also made a few changes to the site text to make it more 'British English'!!!


If anyone has any ideas as to what might have gone wrong or which contrib might be casuing the problem, i'd be grateful for a reply.


If anyone want to look at the site in question the address is: http://ticketoride.co.uk


I've also tried testing the per item shipping on my other site (http://healthydiet-shop.co.uk) which has a lot of the same contrib's, and it doesn't work on that either!


I'm sure it used to work.


Please could you help me with setting up the zones. as i would like to creat 2 zones 1 for europe and 2 for rest of world




Please clarify how you would like to use the zones, and i shall do my best to help.






I have UK and zone 1 and rest of the world zone 2


What i would like to do is if you are in UK you will get charged zone 1 rate

and if you buy from elsewhere say from the North Pole then you will get charged at zone 2 rate..


Basically the products have the same shipping cost but for the rest of the world there is any extra charge.


eg buy Product A ( ?10.00) then the shipping will cost ? 1.00 total ?11.00 (if you were from uk)


buy the same Product if you were from the North Pole then you shipping will be

Product ?10.00 + ?2.00 shipping = Total ?12.00.




Would you require other shipping rates, or are you after just a flat shipping rate for each zone?


Please explain what kind of shipping charges you intend to use, and i'll see what i can come up with.


I use some of the standard shipping modules and also some that i found in the shipping contributions.


HI ,


Okay this is what i have.. I am using the individual shipping contribution, which has been modified to have a second shipping price for the product.


SO Product A has 2 shipping price 1st and 2nd prices


The First is 0.90 and the Second is 0.40


SO if I buy


Senario A) 1 Product A my Total will be


Product A = ?4.00

Shipping = ?0.90 ( only 1 so first shipping applies)


Total = ?4.90


Which is fine.


Now if i buy


Senario B) 3 Product A's my Total will be


Product A = ?12.00 ( 3 x Product A each at 4.00)

Shipping = ? 1.70 ( First item 0.90 + ( each additional items ) 0.40 +0.40 )

Total = ?13.70


This all works fine if you have no zones or just 1 zone .


You may look at this post for more details as how i acheived the above





What i am trying to do is based on Zones i want wated the above to stay the same but if you bought the product from say zone 2.


then the cost would be


For first shipping product ?2.25 and each additional 0.75


Using the above senarios but with international rates this is what it should look like:


Senario A) 1 Product A my Total will be


Product A = ?4.00

Shipping = ?2.25 ( only 1 so first shipping applies)


Total = ?6.25


Which is fine.


Now if i buy


Senario B) 3 Product A's my Total will be


Product A = ?12.00 ( 3 x Product A each at 4.00)

Shipping = ? 3.75( First item ?2.25 + ( each additional items ) 0.75 +0.75 )

Total = ?15.75


And that's it.


hope you could assist me on this..


thanks in advance,




I've had a quick look through the contrib you mention.


Does it enable you to specify a zone to apply it too?


If so you should just be able to copy the mod and setup them seperately for the 2 zones.


Let me know how you get on


HI sorry for the delay in reply.


Yes i have checked the mod and it does allow me to specify zones to it.


So you are saying that i need to duplicate the module so i can specify the second zone..


It would me creating additional 2 more fields for the product...


At the moment i have in the products admin section where you create a new product. i have Ship price 1 and ship price 2....


So i would have to create 2 more folders...


Ship price 3 and ship price 4 - these would be international rates.


Am i correct so far...




Yes, you would need to duplicate what you have and just configure one for each zone.


Have have not had a chance to try this for you, but it should work.








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