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The e-commerce.

Modifying Orders.php? Can it be done?


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Hello OsCommers,


I have a client who wants me to customize how the orders are displayed in OsCom. We are using MS1 and here are the mods they'd like done.


1) Remove the 'Customer' address block: We already have the Shipping Address and Billing Address and 9 times out of 10 the customer is the same as the Billing Address


2) 'Notify Customer' unchecked by default: They get tired of unchecking this item every time when they change the status of the order


3) 'Append Comments' unchecked by default: They like having the option but hate having to uncheck it everytime.


Can this be done? I'm sure it can but how? Please advise.


Many Thanks in advance,


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anything is possible, especially with osCommerce.

Yes, it can be done. It's just a matter of whether you understand the code enough to know what to remove/change.

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