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doubles taxes?


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I'm trying to setup osCommerce with just one taxzone for a dutch webshop. I've added one taxzone, one taxclass, one taxrate. When adding products I've selected the just added taxzone.


When I just browse through the products everything looks ok (i've set display prices with tax to true) but when I want to checkout the fourth page in the checkout (checkout_confirmation.php) show the productprices including VAT, but next to that it also has an additional line for the VAT:





NL BTW 19%:


(this one shouldn't be there as the productprice already included VAT)


Flat Rate (Best Way):







So the customer is billed for VAT twice.. Any idea how to fix this ?


I'd like to have the shop show the amounts including VAT and have one line on the invoice/overview that list the amount of VAT charged.



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  • 3 weeks later...

It appears that I have figured out what went wrong with my situation. It appears to be a bug in the surepay.php payment module file.


Apparently, the module passed across the calculated total (the product, shipping, AND tax), but it also passed across a tax field to SurePay via...


            'taxamount'       => $HTTP_POST_VARS[ 'surepay_tax' ]


Therefore, though the customer sees the correct totals, even in their order email, when it comes across to SurePay, SurePay adds the tax again to the total.


I simply commented out the line above (around line 314) and it appears to have fixed the problem. I've recently seen a similar fix for the surepay module regarding double shipping costs.


I don't know if this is your situation, but it may be worth checking on, especially if you are using SurePay.




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