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Unknow error after new installation


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Can someone tell me what this error is?


1146 - Table 'arnett2_osc.phesis_poll_config' doesn't exist


select configuration_key as cfgKey, configuration_value as cfgValue from phesis_poll_config

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It means that the poll contribution that you installed is looking for it's config table in your mySQL database and can't find it. You may have skipped the last line of the "install readme" that says:


The file poll.sql contains the mysql table structures and should be added
to your database using either phpmyadmin or from the command line.


if you deleted the file, here is the mySQL table that you need to upload to your mySQL database (note: don't remove the table prefix "phesis"):


CREATE TABLE `phesis_poll_config` (
 `configuration_id` int(5) NOT NULL auto_increment,
 `configuration_title` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
 `configuration_key` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
 `configuration_value` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
 `configuration_description` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
 `last_modified` datetime default NULL,
 `date_added` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
 PRIMARY KEY  (`configuration_id`)

# Dumping data for table `phesis_poll_config`

INSERT INTO `phesis_poll_config` VALUES (1, 'Display Poll', 'DISPLAY_POLL_HOW', '2', 'Decides how the poll shown in the side box is chosen.<br>0 = Random<br>1 = Latest<br>2 = Most Popular<br>3 = Specific Poll ID', '2001-12-08 18:22:30', '2001-12-07 16:56:23');
INSERT INTO `phesis_poll_config` VALUES (2, 'Poll Id', 'DISPLAY_POLL_ID', '', 'If you chose above to display a<br>specific poll enter the pollid here', '2001-12-08 18:22:30', '2001-12-07 16:56:23');
INSERT INTO `phesis_poll_config` VALUES (3, 'Allow Comments', 'SHOW_POLL_COMMENTS', '1', 'Enable or Disable poll comments.<br>0 = Disable<br>1 = Enable', '2003-04-06 16:19:43', '2001-12-07 16:58:09');
INSERT INTO `phesis_poll_config` VALUES (4, 'Show if no Polls', 'SHOW_NOPOLL', '1', 'If set will still show poll box if their are no eligible polls.<br>0 = Don\'t show side box<br>1 = Show side box', '2004-02-24 10:23:46', '2001-12-07 19:36:33');
INSERT INTO `phesis_poll_config` VALUES (5, 'Allow multiple votes', 'POLL_SPAM', '0', 'Allow people to vote more than once.<br>0 = No (recommended)<br>1 = yes (Useful for testing)', '2001-12-07 20:20:26', '2001-12-07 20:20:26');
INSERT INTO `phesis_poll_config` VALUES (6, 'Number of Comments', 'MAX_DISPLAY_NEW_COMMENTS', '10', 'Maximum number of comments to display on the pollbooth page', '2001-12-07 20:20:26', '2001-12-07 20:20:26');

"Aliiiiive, it's alive, it's ALIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE!!!"

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