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The e-commerce.

What means max adress book entries


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In the file adress_book_process.php I see in line 221:


if (tep_count_customer_address_book_entries() >= MAX_ADDRESS_BOOK_ENTRIES) {

$messageStack->add_session('addressbook', ERROR_ADDRESS_BOOK_FULL);


tep_redirect(tep_href_link(FILENAME_ADDRESS_BOOK, '', 'SSL'));


What does this mean? Is it possible that my adress book is full? Is this max reached by the MySQL-capacity or.....

is it established somewhere in OSCommerce? If yes { where?

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This is a configuration setting in admin->configuration->maximum values and stored in your database. It sets the maximum number of address book entries a user may have.



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Hi Matti,


Thx for the quick reply.


Is it per cusomer or total customers?

Why is it used?


Where in my database can I find it?

I have been searching, but couldn't find it.

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Hi Matti,


Thx for the quick reply.


Is it per cusomer or total customers?

Why is it used?


Where in my database can I find it?

I have been searching, but couldn't find it.

configuration > maximum values > top line > Address Book Entries 5

"If you're working on something new, then you are necessarily an amateur."

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This helped me too, I must have overlooked it as well and was digging through the code to find it.


Then, I thought, why not search the forum?! Ain't this a great place? I could of had a V8! :blink:

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