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The e-commerce.

CAN IT BE DONE: osCommerce on Mac OSX Server 10.3


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:o I have been dancing around for two days with this package tring to get osCommerce to install on Mac OSX server 10.3.


<_< I get a varity of errors


1) cant pass the test communication with mysql... then get past that..

2) Unknown database 'dbname' then get past that..

3) Cant create database 'dbname'


bottom line.... cant get it to do the auto install


I am apparantly missing something


Using OSX Server 10.3.2

mySQL 4.0.13

PHP 4.3.2


all running plain vanilla

I even have some other mySQL / PHP solutions all running fine...

I dont get it :blink:


My email is [email protected] if you want to mail me directly

Hopefullly someone saved their install notes on what they did to tweak to get this to run on OSX server


Thanks in advance

Thanks in advance

Thanks in advance

Thanks in advance

(here is a fancy mail link if you care to use it)

[email protected]?SUBJECT=RE:osCommerce


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