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The e-commerce.

Login page not found


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I am installing, configuring, testing osCommerce and I went to click on the "Welcome Guest! Would you like to log yourself in?" link. It gave me a default "page not found" message. The url is correct. The login.php page is presnt in the right directory. It shlould be found. I have no clue what's the matter. If anybody can give me help or ideas on what to do, that's great.



If you're reading this, I'm probably pulling my hair out. ;>


*waiting for osCommerce 3.0 alpha 6* (I'm after the coupons.)


OK< I figured out it's trying lo login with https:// not http://


Is tehre a way to disable it having to try to login secure? At this point, I have no need for secure, as I'm only accepting paypal and checks/money orders.



If you're reading this, I'm probably pulling my hair out. ;>


*waiting for osCommerce 3.0 alpha 6* (I'm after the coupons.)


I am having the same problem, but I do have a need for secure. Anyone know what I need to do, let me know please.


I figured out to go into I think configure.php and look for


  define('ENABLE_SSL', ftrue); // secure webserver for checkout procedure?


and replace the word true with the word false, save, & upload it.



If you're reading this, I'm probably pulling my hair out. ;>


*waiting for osCommerce 3.0 alpha 6* (I'm after the coupons.)


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