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The e-commerce.

Tell me there is an easier way?


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I am beginning to customize the default store page, the middle section. What I am reading tells me to manually edit english/index.php. There is no way I am going to mess with that code. Isn't there a higher level toolto do the editing? Actually, what do you even put in there?

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If you want to use osCommerce to the full extent of it's capabilities, you'll need to learn php...and quick.


It's not that hard once you start tinkering, but you will need to learn to work with the code.


There isn't another way to edit it...you have to do it in the code.


Just erase all the test in the apostrophes after "TEXT_INFORMATION" to say what it needs to say.

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Messing with that stuff was daunting for me at first too, now I'm doing stuff like using mods, adding fields where there weren't any and adding tables to store unique info. You can do it with some practice! The big hint is to make a back up of the file you wanna mess with so if you totally screw it up, you can always put it back to the way it was when it worked. Oh, and one other hint... make one change at a time and then test it. Make one change, then test it. Make one change, then test it. It sounds monotonous (sp?) but, believe me, I learned the hard way that the effort is worth it!


Now... off of my soap box...


As for editing the index.php page, copy the bit bellow and replace the part where is says "replace me" with your text. Copy and paste it in the index.php page.


define('TEXT_MAIN', '


replace me




In your file delete starting from define all the way to the first semi colon.


But remember to make a back up copy first... good luck!

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OK, I hear you. Looks like products are on left and some other stuff on right. The biggest piece of real estate is in the middle. What do you exactly put there? Can OSC showcase a product of the week or some such thing without a lot of text.

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If you want to use osCommerce to the full extent of it's capabilities, you'll need to learn php...and quick.


I disagree with that statement.


Really, all you need to have is time. What I would prefer you do, is install the Ultra Pics / html editor mod. It will allow you to use a in page wysiwg (how ever it is spelled) editor. Using that, you can copy text from a program like open office, or word, and preserve the formatting instead of taking the time to customize all the tags. There is also a similar editor built into the web page. The mod also includes a mainfile.php editor built in to the admin system, with the wysiwg support built into it.


Good Luck Bijan

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I've been reading a little too much, and seems to me, although i haven't read every response to your post...


but Dreamweaver is a wysiwyg for php...


You want a wysiwyg editor right...yeah me too...


dreamweaver 2004 from what I have speedily read...will edit your page...


thing is...I have to agree with the few responses I did read...


If you just wanna change the look thats one thing, but to change the functions?


why you'd have to learn php and quick.

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