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"best way" WTF?!


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THe shiping options all have a "best way" writen under them. Wha does this mean? I'm translating my store to a foreign language, and since I have no idea in what context this appears, I'm having a hard time figuring out what to do with it.


Not asking for too much help here...




Yeah I was wondering that too.


The only thing I could figure out was if you go to the admin area, under Modules->Shipping, there's a Flat Rate item there that is defaulted to $5.00.


When I deleted that (by setting it to 0), the "Best Way" disappeared from the order page.


So I think it assumes that if you only have one shipping method set up in the admin area, that this is the "Best Way to Ship" and so it calls it "Best Way."


Seemed kinda silly to me, but all you have to do is change the shipping module around some in the admin area.


I think it's historical. Not in the context of osC but in general.


"Best Way" was the default shipping method of many vendors. "If you don't tell us how to ship we'll ship the Best Way and it will cost you $X.XX".


So the vendor would determine the best way to get the goods from his door to your door depending on where you are and the package characteristics.

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I had a feeling it was unnecasery. Thanks!


Now that I think of it, I still don't know how to get rid of this unnecasery thing wherever it appears.

Anyone have any insight on this?


catalog/includes/languages/xxx/modules/shipping/flat.php holds the define for the flat rate shipping to which you refer where xxx is the language of your choice

this is the code for the text define


you could change the text to something more suitable or if you want to completely remove this method you could remove it from admin panel modules shipping or from the code for shipping

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