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The e-commerce.

SSL admin


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I'm sure this has been asked a million times, but I can't seem to find it when I search.


I changed my config.php to turn on the SSL server and the HTTPS_SERVER


define('HTTPS_SERVER', 'https://ithaca.serversecured.net/~alpha/');

define('ENABLE_SSL', true);


Now how can I check for orders with a secure connection? I can go to




and login, but when I click any of the links, I'm back to a regular http connection.


Is there a way to set it up so that I hit it secure and stay secure, or hit it normal and stay normal?


Thanks in advance,


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Thanks for the tip! I had the same problem.


As they like to say in this forum: "It worked like a charm!" B)








"There is nothing like a little successful tinkering to bring out the looney mad scientist in all of us. Brohoohoohoooohaahaahaaahahaaaaaaaaaa!"

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