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Update Search Facility for Contributions


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Would it be possible to enhance the contribution's search form of the osC site and add other sorting methods? The actual one is a bit ... too simple and not very flexible (or even not flexible at all!!). :(

I think the whole community would benefit from such an update!


And I am not just complaining, I know that osC Team does a lot and has also other things to do, but I'm willing to help and I have some spear time to code it, just give me the needed detaiuls!









I second the notion. I can't count the number of times I've went to get a contribution, already knowing the name of it, only to have the search return 40 contributions completely unrelated to what I searched for.

The only thing necessary for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing

- Edmund Burke


That would really help newbies like myself who are keen to try out a few extras but are totally intimidated(sp?) by the current list system...

Eatin' is cheatin' , snoozing is losing, just drink through it!


It appears that the search criteria is defaulted to "OR".


The list gets longer, when you add keywords. This is counter intuitive, at least for me.


I believe the single, biggest help would be to change the default search criteria to "AND". Could this be a simple "admin" change? If so, please, please consider it.


Then, you would have a much better chance of narrowing the results and getting within the current 40 item limit. Maybe, working on a more elaborate search scheme could be put off for awhile, if we could get "AND" in place of "OR" in the interim.


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