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Custom PC Creator


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Ello! I've installed Custom PC Creator 2.0 by kjun (Based on Custom Computer Creator, by Stephen Walker) and everything is hunky dorey, accept.......

I cant seem to get the contents of the components boxes in the correct order. I've checked in build.php, and java.php and it doesnt seem to be there. In build.php there is some reference to motherboard but thats the only component listed????

So you have a rough idea what im chatting about take a look at this . Also, this is an extract of code from build.php that contains the motherboard component.

     <td class="main" width="100%" valign="top"><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
       <td class="main" ><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
           <td class="main"><br><?php echo $greeting;?></td>
	 <?php if ($HTTP_POST_VARS['pictures'] == 1){?>
	 <tr><form action="build.php?page=1" method="POST">
	 <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Disable Pictures"><br><small><em>note:Disabling Pictures Resets This Form</em></small>
	 <input type=hidden name="pictures" value=0>
           <?php if ($HTTP_GET_VARS['error'] != ''){?>
           <input type=hidden name="motherboard" value=<?php echo $HTTP_GET_VARS['error'];?>>
           <?php }else{?>
           <input type=hidden name="motherboard" value=<?php echo $HTTP_POST_VARS[$tepitem[0]];?>>
           <?php }?>
           <?php }else{?>
	 <tr><form action="build.php?page=1" method="POST">
	 <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Enable Pictures"><br><small><em>note:Enabling Pictures Resets This Form</em></small>
	 <input type=hidden name="pictures" value=1>
           <?php if ($HTTP_GET_VARS['error'] != ''){?>
           <input type=hidden name="motherboard" value=<?php echo $HTTP_GET_VARS['error'];?>>
           <?php }else{?>
           <input type=hidden name="motherboard" value=<?php echo $HTTP_POST_VARS[$tepitem[0]];?>>
           <?php }?>
           <?php }?>
	 <td class="main" align="right"><?php echo tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'table_background_default.gif', HEADING_TITLE, HEADING_IMAGE_WIDTH, HEADING_IMAGE_HEIGHT); ?></td>
       <td class="main" ><?php echo tep_draw_separator('pixel_trans.gif', '100%', '10'); ?></td>


Now I dont have a clue when it comes to php, so all suggestions would be appreciated!! :blink:

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i have same problem. did you ever figure it out?


i cant even findout where i asign the ccc_id and the ccc_category to the products. In the readme.txt it states:


1. ccc_id - Requires a unique id number, drop down boxes will be sorted in ascending order by this number.

2. ccc_category - This is the category number of the product id you want to map to this

row, this can be changed afterwards from the admin panel.


Can SOME ONE PLEASE HELP!!!!! this topic was posted on the 20 of Feb and no one reples but me and i can not help because i have the same problem.

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Yeah I had the problem aswell but its easy to fix...


U need to edit your tables directly!


ccc_category - This is the category number of the product id you want to map to this

row, this can be changed afterwards from the admin panel


This is exactly what u need to do...i didnt install the admin part though so cant help you there...


Go into php mysql... find the table ccc... as well at the table categories...


Now, if the number for "motherboards" is say 10, then in the table ccc find motherboards and change the ccc_category number to 10....


Then they link up properly... let me know if this doesnt make sence...im more than willing to help!




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