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The e-commerce.

HWere do I even begin?


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You are hearing from a complete newbie. I have a new web site with an ISP that has osCommerice installed in my domain. I can see osCommerce folder but that is about it. I have read whatever documentation I could get my hands on but I have no clue where to begin?. How do you "launch" osCommerce? Where do you do it from? Your browser?


As like you my ISP has it on the Domain, you need to run the script your ISP has that will install to your domain... to have it load into OScommerce you need to install to the main (www) directory .... when you run the script you will be promtped to enter a username and password of your chioce... and then given URL's on how to access it...


Where do I get the script from and what environmnet do I run it in? In /var/www/html I see the oscommerce folder. Seems like everything is there. So isn't installed then?


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