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The e-commerce.

need your help


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First of All Thank You for checking out my posting:


I would like your comments, advice, tips, suggestions, and anything BAD or Good

that you may have to say to me for improving my website:


This is completely different layout then the original oscommerce one. Please check it out and let me know your thoughts:




NEW Shop click here to enter






Your drop shadow in the left column is right below the information box instead of at the bottom (at least in Mozilla/Firefox/Linux).


The navigation area at the top looks slightly wider than the content area below. Make the content area match its size.


Get rid of all the defalt OSC images - they look terrible.


Your popup windows aren't working. The images and the "enlarge" don't link to anything.


Your product listings are displaying way down the page and there is a huge gap at the top. I think youv'e got all those annoying spacer images piled one on top of the other get rid of most of them. Put some space between the listing and the "reviews" and "add to cart" buttons.


Craig, Thank you for your post, I've do all what you mentioned:


I also redone the whole site:


Everyone please visit my website and give me your feedbacks, thanks!!



My Webpage





The left top logo needs some more attention indeed. If you need a hand contact me. All the best. Keep working at it. The layout is ok too.


Cheers, T :blink:



I really would install some sort of image resample contribution or ultrapics. All of your small images are HUGE 55k+ if they are only going to be seen small only use a small image!


Also the images you are using for the images on your top bar - you can tell that you have used a bit to much jpeg compression.


I like what you have done with the products_info.php page - especialy the way that you have arranged the specials price.


Keep up the good work


Thanks Sam and Webhost,


Webhost: I need help, what can you do to make it better:


Sam: I will definately will be changing the size of the images by using some kind of contributions:


as you said about layout of the product page: use the sts they have a file called product_info edit it and that's it:


thanks all



I need more feedbacks :::


What a useless comment webhost. Try to add something when others ask for help.


Fadel, as they have said before, you are over compressing your jpg's. Your header is going to be cached on the first page, so its safe to make it 10k larger and actualy have it artifact free as they won't have to wait to download it again on each additional page.


Your images need to be standard size if you are going to use the default osC image handler, or follow the recomendation of Nimmit and check out some image contribs.


Your site is original, and it does not look like a standard osC install. You use a whole bunch of colors, and I am more partal to a 3 or 4 color scheme, but thats more personal preference than anything else. I think with a little polish on your images and some touching up here and there you will have a nice site.

My advice comes in two flavors- Pick the one that won't offend you.


Hard and Cynical: How to Make a Horrible osCommerce Site


Warm and Fuzzy: How to Make an Awesome osCommerce Site





Thanks for your post, you have said enough, I will start working on reducing images sizes, or use a contribution: I visited your website and you have done a really awesome job, Keep it up. B)




for Webhost: I try to go to your website, but I couldn't see the design area at all, I tried couple of times, but unable to access page: What do you have in mind for my website, also cost and I need to see some of work you have done:






ALL out there I need more feedbacks,



i like your layout B)


just some quick things......


in your top banner (header) the links to home, faq, contacts, etc are not working for me. not sure if you haven't created the pages yet or not. also the link to the advanced search has 2 http://'s in the address (http://http://www.shopwebmall.com/advanced_search.php)


one little suggestion would be to try to make the specials and what's new box on the bottom of the item descriptions the same height.


nice site B)


Thanks all for your feedbacks,



I need more feedback on how to improve and on how the site loads and other things that you might see not right. thanks!!!


My Webpage





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