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Shipping Table Rate


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I am trying to set up the table rate, here is what I have:




Now, my understanding is up to 5 pounds, charge $3.00 5-10 pounds, charge $6.00 and so on. But, when I test it, it's wrong. I bought a 18 pound item, and it charged $1.00 and I bought a 1 pound item, and it charged me $4.00. What is wrong?


I also set a handeling fee of $1.00

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Are you sure you have everything entered correctly in admin?

Could you please list the entries you made to Table shipping in admin.

Did you change anything since you first installed it?

Did you leave zone set at none?

When you entered the weights for each of your products, did you use 1.0000 for pound, 18.0000 for 18 pounds?

Do you have the tare weight and larger packages percentage set properly, they are located in admin/configuration/shipping$packaging.

Do you have your currency set properly?


Please let me know if you are still having problems.

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Here's my settings:


Shipping Table



Table Method



Handling Fee



Tax Class



Shipping Zone



Sort Order



I did not put 4 zeros follwing the end of the number, just two.


tare weight is set at 50

larger packages percent is 10

and currency is set up right as well. any suggestions??

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do you suggest lowering the 50 pound tare weight? no, i am not running any contributions. not sure what version of osc i have, its copyrighted 2003. I am going by the shipping cost it shows at 'delivery information', the 1st step of checking out.

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Only lower it if the carton you are shipping in weights less than 50 Pounds. Tare weight is telling the system, that besides the weight of the product add 50 pounds to it before you figure shipping.

Ok tare weight was set at 50 pounds. What do you have set for maximum package weight?

Can you run an order completely through the system?

But before that how many shipping modules do you have installed. And do you have a sort number coded for each one? Start the sorting with number '1'.

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ok, i got them backwards. tare weight is actually set at 3, and max weight is 50. 3 shipping modules are installed, all sort order of 0, i'll change them now.

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Ok, I changed tare weight to 0, and max weight to 20, and changed the sort orders. It seems to be working right now, don't know what made the difference, but I don't ask why something DOES work lol. Thank you very much!

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