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The e-commerce.

major problem installing on Verizon webhost


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I use osCommmerce on my website and it works great. My brother liked what he saw and want me to install in for his company. He is on Verizon webhosting and they have to have #!/usr/local/bin/php in every php file. And IT HAS TO BE ON THE FIRST LINE. Someone mention in a post that first line can't be white space and needs the be <?php


So what am I suppose to do now??


Here is the error on top of every web page


#!/usr/local/bin/php #!/usr/local/bin/php #!/usr/local/bin/php #!/usr/local/bin/php #!/usr/local/bin/php #!/usr/local/bin/php #!/usr/local/bin/php #!/usr/local/bin/php #!/usr/local/bin/php #!/usr/local/bin/php

Warning: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/cust2/usr2166/html/myadminfunc/includes/application_top.php:2) in /home/cust2/usr2166/html/myadminfunc/includes/functions/sessions.php on line 68

#!/usr/local/bin/php #!/usr/local/bin/php #!/usr/local/bin/php #!/usr/local/bin/php #!/usr/local/bin/php #!/usr/local/bin/php #!/usr/local/bin/php #!/usr/local/bin/php #!/usr/local/bin/php #!/usr/local/bin/php #!/usr/local/bin/php #!/usr/local/bin/php


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